fuck github

alexis 2020-07-18 21:28:18 -06:00
parent 55e9aed304
commit dd39720e3f
3 changed files with 4 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
# lerpn - Linux Engineering RPN calculator
It's a curses RPN calculator written in straight Python. Not actually Linux-dependent,
despite the (old) name. Should work on both Python 2 and 3, though I only regularly
use/test it in Py3.
To install the latest release, just do `pip install --user lerpn`.
To install the latest devel, clone this repository and run
`pip install --user -e .`.
To test-drive, you should be able to call `python -m LerpnApp` from the root of the
source tree.
Note: This README is for the development version. To view the README for the last
released version, see
[//]: # (Note: This README is for the last released version - the version you'll get if you)
[//]: # (install with pip. To view the README for the devel version, see)
[//]: # ([`README-devel.md`](https://github.com/alexisvl/lerpn/blob/master/README-devel.md).)
# Dependencies
Just Python.
# Hacking - adding commands
If you want to add your own commands to lerpn, see
for a quick intro.
# Quick usage notes:
How to use lerpn should be obvious for those familiar with RPN. The basic commands:
+ - * /
n swap sign
enter dup
x exchange/swap
bksp drop
? display help
ctrl-C exit
For a quick online command reference, see
Numbers are displayed in engineering notation with metric prefixes. You can
also type them this way - the number and the metric prefix must be separated
by an underscore `_` to differentiate from a number followed by a single-key
Not all commands are a single key. Less-used commands begin with a
single-quote, then the command name, then 'enter'. For example, the sequence
of keys used to compute the sine of 3.14 would be:
3 . 1 4 ' s i n <enter>
## Alternative radices
Integers (no floating point or complex) can be input in binary, octal, or hexadecimal
by prefixing the number with one of the following:
0h hexadecimal
0d decimal (redundant, of course)
0o octal
0b binary
Note that `0h` is used for the hexadecimal prefix to avoid ambiguity with the
command sequence `0 x` (meaning "push `0`, then swap).
## Complex numbers
lerpn supports complex numbers. Enter them like this: `2j3`. For a pure imaginary number,
you must type the real part anyway: `0j1`. This is because a leading `j` would be treated
as a command rather than a number.
## Tags
You can tag numbers to help remember what they are. There are two ways to do
this. One is to enter the number with the tag, using a double-quote to
3 . 1 4 " t h i s i s p i
gives: 3.14 : this is pi
Whitespace is acceptable. Alternatively, you can attach a tag to a number
already on the stack by pushing the string itself to the stack, then using
the lowe-case `t` command to attach:
3 . 1 4 <enter>
" t h i s i s p i <enter>
This is currently the only application for strings on the stack.
To remove a tag, use upper-case `T`. The tag will disappear - if this was
unintentional, just use lower-case `u` to undo.
Basic math can be done to numbers while tagged, but if you perform a binary
operation on two tagged numbers, lerpn won't know which tag to keep.
## Shell commands
lerpn can run shell commands for you, with the `'sh` command. Here's a completely
useless example:
'sh dc -e "$N 3+pq"
The bottom number on the stack is available as the environment variable `$N`,
which holds the number formatted as a standard float.
The output of the command is regex-searched for anything resembling a float;
the first match is parsed and pushed to the stack. The full output is displayed
in a scrollbox.

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Just Python.
# Hacking - adding commands
If you want to add your own commands to lerpn, see
for a quick intro.
# Quick usage notes:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ ctrl-C exit
For a quick online command reference, see
Single-key commands may be used directly if no number is being entered. During
number entry, symbolic commands work directly, but alphabeticals require holding

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@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import sys
setup( name='lerpn',
description='Linux? Engineering RPN calculator',
download_url = 'https://github.com/alexisvl/lerpn/tarball/5',
author='Alexis Lockwood',
@ -20,5 +19,5 @@ setup( name='lerpn',
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Environment :: Console :: Curses",
"Topic :: Utilities",
"License :: MIT" ]
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)" ]