
23 lines
676 B

// This asm macro prints out a long value in hex, assuming it can print by
// writing ASCII to an address (hardcoded as 0x01fffe here). It uses no stack
// or memory, only registers, so is good for very very low level debugging (I
// used it to diagnose issues with a c runtime).
// Clobbers d0 through d3 and ccr
.macro printhex input
move.l \input, %d0
move.w #8, %d2
moveq #28, %d3
111: move.l %d0, %d1 // 12345678 12345678
lsr.l %d3, %d1 // 12345678 00000001
addi.w #'0', %d1
cmpi.w #':', %d1
blt.s 222f
addi.w #('A'-':'), %d1
222: move.w %d1, 0x01fffe // debug console out
lsl.l #4, %d0 // 23456780
subi.w #1, %d2
bne.s 111b